Merry Magical Fall!

Anyone who knows me, knows one thing for sure, I am OBSESSED with the fall season! πŸ‚πŸπŸƒ

Every single aspect of fall makes my heart sing like a soul penetrating opera that leaves every hair on your body standing up. Fall is the best!! It is a sweet passage from nature’s full life to a period of rest and sleep, and for this, we are incredibly indebted to fall. For without rest in winter, we could never know the crisp rebirth of nature in the springtime!

I am also in love with this time of year because the days of high 80 - 100 degree weather are over, and we are left with a cool average of mid 50’s. Perfect walking, hiking and running weather!!


Today, I decided to do a leetle midday run around our neighborhood. While I successfully made a three mile loop, distraction free, I was struck by these stunningly wild Aspen trees on my way home. This road in particular has always been one of my favorites because it is about half a mile away from SDH and generally right about now, I am not only ready to hydrate but get a leetle relief from the sun. This Aspen lined bend, with whimsical bushy leaves that cover in the summer, generally provides relief. Today, my inner child came out, and I played among the fallen foliage and took in the whistling, whimsical tune of these Quaking Aspens 😍

Maybe one day soon, we will make a home for a few of these babes at Seal Dove Hacienda, but until then, I’ll enjoy the relaxing walk home having had this moment.





Chicken Compost