A Tribute to… Our Deer Familia🦌

One of our favorite aspects of living and loving at Seal Dove Hacienda is our deer familia. ❤️😍🦌

When we first moved in, we were in awe at waking up to a deer or two nibbling on some fresh mint and grass outside our bedroom. Fast forward two years and a few mating seasons later, and we now have a few families of deer that love to stop by for a leetle afternoon or sunset hola, have a light snack and hit the road. Getting to watch these families grow year after year is something that not only brings our hearts a whole lot of joy, loads of laughter and terrific IG content 😝 but a sense of community and space that we have come to know and love ❤️

Hopefully next spring time, our front yard will be a temporary stop for many more babes. Our forest friends are the best 🦌

-❤️Seal + Dove


Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm


Little and Big Things